Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Build Your Own Solar Panel And Save Money

If you are interested in cutting down your electricity bill and looking for other alternates such as solar power, you are thinking in right direction. The next question in your mind might be how to build your own solar panel in your home? Don’t worry; it is very easy to make electricity from solar energy. Solar energy is available to all of us and with a minor investment; we can make electricity from it.

For making electricity from solar energy, you need to have a small kit that converts the heat energy of sun to the electrical energy and that electrical energy is supplied to you through the connecting cables. The main part of the solar kit is solar panels. These solar panels have to install at a place where you get regular sun heat. Although these panels occupy more space, however you can install these solar panels to your backyard or roof.

There are many solar power equipments (solar panels) available in the market, however you should try to get equipment, which is reliable and at the same time is cheaper also. There are many suppliers who will offer their products at very high rate of $2000 and even beyond. However the cost of the equipment is so high that it will not give you any immediate benefit so try an equipment or kit, which is much cheaper.

Actually the benefit of cheaper kit is that you immediately get benefit of the cost and start saving in your electricity bill from very first month. If your family is small and your electricity requirement is low, you have a chance to save up to 70 percent of your electricity bill every month. However, larger families also have a vast potential of saving electricity bill to the tune of 50 to 60 percent.

So, it is very easy to build solar panel at your home and you only need a small initial investment of the order of $200. You will have to install a solar kit and you will start generating electricity from solar energy continuously from solar panel.

If you are thinking how can you generate electricity in your backyard from solar panel so that you can reduce your electricity bill.

EARTH4ENERGY!is a guide that teaches you how to create electricity in your backyard. This is worth spending a few bucks to save thousands in your electricity bills.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Build an Electrical Renewable Energy Produce Solar Panel

How to build an Electrical Renewable Energy Produce Solar Panel

It is effortless. You be able to Execute it as well.

Quite a few years ago I buy a little isolated land in Arizona. I am an astronomer and required a place to carry out my diversion extreme away from the sky-wrecking light pollution establish close to cities of a few authentic volume I originate a enormous quantity of property. The difficulty is, it's so remote that there is no electric service accessible that’s not really a problem. No electricity equals any light pollution. However, it would be nice to have at least a little electricity, since so much of life in the 21st century is dependant on it.

I build a wind turbine to make available several powers on the remote property. It works immense when the wind blows. However, I wanted more power, and more dependable power. The wind seems to blow all the time on my property, except when I really need it too. I do get well over 300 sunny days a year on the property though, so solar power seems like the obvious choice to supplement the wind turbine. Solar panels are very expensive though. So I decided to try my hand at building my own. I used common tools and inexpensive and easy to acquire materials to produce a solar panel that rivals commercial panels in power production, but completely blows them away in price. Read on for step by step instructions on how I did it.

Accordingly what is a solar panel anyway? It is fundamentally a container that holds an assortment of solar cells. Solar cells are the equipment that does the actual work of revolving sunlight into electrical energy. However, it takes a lot of cells to make a meaningful amount of power, and they are very delicate so the individual cells are assembled into panels. The panels hold enough cells to make a useful amount of power and protect the cells from the elements. It doesn't sound too complex. I was convinced I could do it myself.

I started out the way I start every project, by Googling for information on home-built solar panels. I was shocked at how few I found. The fact that very few people were building their own panels led me to think it must be harder to do than I thought. The project got shelved for a while, but I never stopped thinking about it.

After a while, I came to some conclusions:

* The main stumbling block to building solar panels is acquiring solar cells at a reasonable price.
* New solar cells are very expensive, and can even sometimes be hard to find in quantity at any price.
* Blemished and damaged solar cells are available on Ebay other places at a fraction of the cost of new perfect cells.

These second rate solar cells could probably be used to make a solar panel that would work just fine. Formerly I came to the recognition that I could use discolored and factory-second solar cells to build my panels, I finally got to work. I started by buying some solar cells off of Ebay.

Want To Know About How To Make Renewable Energy Solar Panels CLICK HERE!